BI Publisher Bursting Report Output To UCM Channel

Data Model Bursting Query for UCM Report Please watch the below video for detailed discussion : →Read more

Dynamically Configure Oracle Fusion BIP Report URL – with : https://#{header[“host”]}

• https: Specifies the use of HTTPS protocol. •#{}: It is used to interpolate or inject dynamic content into strings. •header[“host”]: Refers to the value of the “host” key in the HTTP request’s header. The “Host” header field specifies the domain name of the server (or its IP address). •So, https://#{header[“host”]} will dynamically be replaced […] →Read more

How to design XML Report with Dependent ValueSet Parameters – Oracle E-Business Suite R12.*

Data Model XML ValueSet : XXORA_AR_INV_BU_ID ValueSet 2 : XXORA_AR_INV_CUST_ID Concurrent Program : XXORA AR Invoice XML Report Parameters : →Read more

Oracle Fusion User Details Based on Role Query

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EBS Concurrent Program Error APPS-FND-01564: error 6502

It occurs due to the issue in the value set – make sure the lenght values are consistent in Concurrent Program and ValueSet Definition →Read more

Query to get Concurrent Program Details in Oracle EBS

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How to create Concurrent Program based on PLSQL Procedure

Create PLSQL SPEC and Body as shown below Create Concurrent Executable Create Concurrent Program Assign the Concurrent Program to a request group (find the request group the responsibility) Run the Concurrent Program →Read more

Oracle E-Business Suite AOL Objects Queries

AOL Messages : Used for Warning, Information, Error Purposes in : PLSQL, Forms, OAF and Reports Lookup Values – Used in Reports, Workflow, Forms, OAF Pages etc ValueSet – Reports, Forms, Workflow, OAF Pages etc →Read more