SQL Loader – Data Files Overview

Points to consider about data file

  • Data File
  • File Format (CSV/DATA/….etc)
  • Fixed Length /Variable Length
  • DataTypes of each column, width
  • Frequency (per hour, per week, per month etc..)
  • Location of the file
  • Database Table

The data file can be in fixed record format or variable record format.
Fixed Record Format would look like the below. In this case you give a specific position where the Control file can expect a data field:

Sample Fixed Length Data File

7369 SMITH     CLERK     902   12/17/1980       800
7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN  7698  02/20/1981       1600
7521 WARD      SALESMAN  7698  02/22/1981       1250
7566 JONES     MANAGER   7839  04/02/1981        2975
7654 MARTIN   SALESMAN  7698  09/28/1981        250

Variable Length Data Files (Delimiter Based Data Files)

  • Variable Record Format would like below where the data fields are separated by a delimiter.
  • Note: The Delimiter can be anything you like. In this case it is “|”


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