AR Invoice REST API – Error Applying List binding LOV_ShipToCustomerName with given set of values leads to multiple matching rows
While Creating AR Invoice – below is one of the error which you may face :
Applying List binding LOV_ShipToCustomerName with given set of values leads to multiple matching rows for a row of type:InvoiceHeader, key oracle.jbo.Key[ 300000223632391]
Reason :
REST API – AR Invoice Create Payload :
"BillingDate": "2020-05-14",
"BillToCustomerNumber": "16080",
"BusinessUnit": "US1 Business Unit",
"Comments": "XX New Comments1",
"DueDate": "2020-05-14",
"InternalNotes": "XX Test internal notes",
"InvoiceCurrencyCode": "USD",
"PaymentTerms": "30 Net",
"TransactionDate": "2020-05-14",
"TransactionSource": "Manual",
"ShipToCustomerName": "Business World",
"ShipToCustomerNumber": "16080",
"ShipToSite": "1032",
"TransactionType": "Invoice",
"StructuredPaymentReference": "TestRef",
"receivablesInvoiceLines": [
"Description": "Item",
"LineNumber": 1,
"Quantity": 200,
"UnitSellingPrice": 100,
"TaxClassificationCode": null,
"receivablesInvoiceLineTaxLines": [
"TaxAmount": 680,
"TaxRegimeCode": "US SALES AND USE TAX",
"TaxRateCode": "STD"
There are multiple records with same party name :
party_id, party_number, party_type, party_name
from hz_parties
where party_name='Business World'

Solution :
Dont Pass the : “ShipToCustomerName”: “Business World”
Extra Information leads to extra errors, so always try to pass unique values
"BillingDate": "2020-05-14",
"BillToCustomerNumber": "16080",
"BusinessUnit": "US1 Business Unit",
"Comments": "XX New Comments1",
"DueDate": "2020-05-14",
"InternalNotes": "XX Test internal notes",
"InvoiceCurrencyCode": "USD",
"PaymentTerms": "30 Net",
"TransactionDate": "2020-05-14",
"TransactionSource": "Manual",
"ShipToCustomerNumber": "16080",
"ShipToSite": "1032",
"TransactionType": "Invoice",
"StructuredPaymentReference": "TestRef",
"receivablesInvoiceLines": [
"Description": "Item",
"LineNumber": 1,
"Quantity": 200,
"UnitSellingPrice": 100,
"TaxClassificationCode": null,
"receivablesInvoiceLineTaxLines": [
"TaxAmount": 680,
"TaxRegimeCode": "US SALES AND USE TAX",
"TaxRateCode": "STD"
Comments |0|
Category: OracleSaaS