Bulk Upload Lookup Types and Lookup Codes – Oracle Fusion ERP
Lookup Type File.
Header | Description | Required or Optional |
LookupType | This value displays the lookup type. | Required |
Meaning | This value displays the name of the lookup type. | Required |
Description | This value displays the description of the lookup type. | Optional |
ModuleType | This value displays the module associated with the lookup type. | Required |
ModuleKey | This value displays the module code. | Required |
Lookup Code File
Header | Description | Required or Optional |
LookupType | This value displays the lookup type. | Required |
LookupCode | This value displays the lookup code associated with the lookup type. | Required |
DisplaySequence | This value displays the sequence in which the lookup code appears in the list of values. | Required |
EnabledFlag | •This value lets you enable or disable the display status of the lookup code:Y: Enable the display status of the lookup code •N: Disable the display status of the lookup code | Required |
Meaning | This value displays the name of the lookup code. | Required |
StartDateActive | This value displays the beginning of the date range during which the lookup code is active and visible on the page. The format is dd/MM/yyyy. | Optional |
EndDateActive | This value displays the end of the date range during which the lookup code is active and visible on the page. The format is dd/MM/yyyy. | Optional |
Description | This value displays the description of the lookup code. | Optional |
XXORA_LKP_003|01|1|Y|One|One Description
XXORA_LKP_003|02|2|Y|Two|Two Description
Steps to perform Import
•Data file should be separated by ‘|’
•File extension should be preferably .csv
•Prepare and load the Lookup Type File into UCM
•Prepare and load the Load the Lookup Code File into UCM
•Manage Common Lookups à Action à Import
•Insert/Update are done for the lookup type and lookup values
•IF data file name is same, latest file is considered for processing
Upload Lookup Types
1.UCM Upload

2. File Import

Upload Lookup Values
1.UCM Upload

2.File Import

Validation From UI

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