Deployment of OAF Pages in EBS 12.2.*

Bounce – Start/Stop Server

Below are the steps to be performed to migrate the Extensions in OAF

1. Move class files and the dependent xml files to $JAVA_TOP
2. Import PG/RN files
Import Script for putty:
java $JAVA_TOP/xxolt/oracle/apps/fnd/webui/EmployeeDetailsPG.xml -rootdir $JAVA_TOP -username apps  -password <APPSPWD> -dbconnection “(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST =<HOST>)(PORT = <))(PORT>CONNECT_DATA = (SID = <SID>)))

Import Script for local system cmd prompt:
import C:\OAF\R1224\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\xxolt\oracle\apps\fnd\webui\EmployeeDetailsPG.xml -username apps -password apps -rootdir C:\OAF\R1224\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\ -dbconnection “(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST =<HOST>)(PORT = <))(PORT>CONNECT_DATA = (SID = <SID>)))

3.  Run adcgnjar utility which exists at $AD_TOP/bin.It will create customall.jar under $JAVA_TOP on successful run.                  Note:  Please take backup of customall.jar file if it is already existed under $JAVA_TOP and run adcgnjar utility.
4. Do bounce apache and managed server OACORE_SERVER1  services.
Bounce Script : stop stop oacore_server1
Eneter Weblogic Password:******** start oacore_server1
Eneter Weblogic Password:******** start

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