DrillDown/DeepLinks in OTBI

•Deep Links are URL links that can be distributed outside of Fusion Applications and allow users to open pages without navigating through a menu structure.

•In order to see a complete list of the available Deep Links, use the Deep Links work area (Navigator > Tools > Deeps Links) within Fusion Applications. 

•In order to access this work area, you will need to have the View Administration Link (FND_VIEW_ADMIN_LINK_PRIV) privilege.

•URL Pattern of Deep Links


ParameterDescriptionExample of Parameter Values
pod-nameThe host name.pod.oraclecloud.com
objTypeThe object type, such as work areas.SUPPLIER
objKeyThe object identifier.SupplierNumber
actionThe action that users can do on the page that the URL opens up, for example to edit something. •If you don’t add any value for the action parameter, this value is considered as NONE by default. •So users will be taken to a high-level page, such as an overview page or a search page. •If the value you added for the action parameter doesn’t match with any action on the UI, or the user doesn’t have the privileges to access that action, they will be taken to a high-level page.NONE VIEW CREATE EDIT
returnAppURLThe application URL where users will be automatically redirected to when they try to return to the previous page, or after they complete their task.   If you’re using a third party URL, make sure the application name is registered using the Manage Integration of Additional Applications page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.MyOracle
returnAppParamsParameters for the return application URL.type=photo

View AP Invoice

ActionTarget Page in Fusion AppsURL FormatParameters
ViewManage Invoices in View Modehttps://hostname/fscmUI/faces/ deeplink? objType=@{1}&action=@{2}&o bjKey=InvoiceId=@{3}AP_VIEWINVOICE VIEW Invoice ID

Edit/View GL Journal

ActionTarget Page in Fusion AppsURL FormatParameters
EDITEdit Journalhttps://hostname/fscmUI/faces/ deeplink?objType=@{1}&action =@{2}&objKey=jeBatchId=@{3} ;jeHeaderId=@{4}GL_EDITJOURNAL EDIT Journal Batch ID Journal Header ID

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Category: OTBI