Fusion BI : Uploading Template Fails with FND-7300: An error occurred when scanning file using Fusion Applications Virus Scanner

Uploading a BI publisher template fails with the following error message:

FND-7300 BI can not load template

An error ocurred when scanning file using Fusion Application Virus Scanner. Check log for further details

Further examination of the bipublisher.log file shows:

[APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] Virus scanner instance not found, check errors in logs and scanner.xml
[APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] FND-7300: Virus scanner instance not found.
[APP: bipublisher#11.1.1] oracle.xdo.service.client.scan.ScanException: FND-7300: An error occurred when scanning file using Fusion Applications Virus Scanner. Check log for further details.[[
at oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.action.UploadReportTemplateFile.upload(UploadReportTemplateFile.java:238)
at oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.action.UploadReportTemplateFile.execute(UploadReportTemplateFile.java:103)
at oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.action.ActionServlet.service(ActionServlet.java:51)

Solution :

Bounce BI Domain and OPMN components — which will have downtime of 1 hour (it will bounce only BIP Server)

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Category: BIP