How to add multiple email addresses in the bursting control file

Sample Bursting Control File Query - With Multiple Email Addresses : 

    1                                                      key,
    'sample template name'                                 template,
    'en-US'                                                locale,
    'excel'                                                output_format,
    'EMAIL'                                                del_channel,
    'output file name'                                     output_name,
    ',,' parameter1,
    ''                                    parameter3,
    'email subject'                                        parameter4,
    'sample email body'                                    parameter5,
    'true'                                                 parameter6
Error if email addresses are having issue : 
Email delivery failed with Exception
Email delivery failed with DeliveryException
javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal semicolon, not in group in string javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal semicolon, not in group in string 

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Category: BIP