OAF Events Handling

1.      Button (SubmitButton)

//In Below Code: “showDetails” refers to the ID of the submitButton Item





2.      PopList

        //In the belowCode  “bgPopEvent”  refers to the fireAction Property of the link Item

if(eventName!=null && “bgPopEvent”.equals(eventName))


        OAMessageChoiceBean bgPopIDBean = (OAMessageChoiceBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive(“bgPopID”);

        String displayStr = bgPopIDBean.getSelectionText(pageContext) ; // Display Attribute

        String  valueStr  = bgPopIDBean.getSelectionValue(pageContext); // Value  Attribute

        throw new OAException(“Poplist is fired   —> Bg Name—>” + displayStr  + ”  BG Id –>”+ valueStr, OAException.INFORMATION) ;


3.      LOV

//In Below Code : “orgIDLovID”   refers to the ID of messageLovInput

       String lovSourceID = pageContext.getLovInputSourceId();

       if(lovSourceID!=null &&  lovSourceID.equals(“orgIDLovID”) )


             OAMessageLovInputBean  orgIDLovIDBean = (OAMessageLovInputBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive(“orgIDLovID”);

             String orgIDValue = (String)orgIDLovIDBean.getValue(pageContext);

             OAException exc= new OAException(“Selected OrgID–>”+ orgIDValue,  OAException.INFORMATION) ;

             throw exc;

            // throw new OAException(“Selected OrgID–>”+ orgIDValue,  OAException.INFORMATION) ;


4.      HyperLink

          //In the belowCode  “imageEvent”  refers to the fireAction Property of the link Item

String eventName = pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM) ;

    if(eventName!=null &&  “linkEvent”.equals(eventName)  )


           throw new OAException(“User Raised an Event On Link–>”, OAException.INFORMATION) ;


5.      Image

    //In the belowCode  “imageEvent”  refers to the fireAction Property of the image Item

String eventName = pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM) ;

     else if(eventName!=null &&  “imageEvent”.equals(eventName)  )


          throw new OAException(“User Raised an Event on Image –>”, OAException.INFORMATION) ;


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Category: OAF