OAF Methods for View Object

Removing the selected row

a.      Using RowSetIterator

//The below logic should be written in the AMImpl.java

public void deleteStudentRows()


     XxcusStudentDataEOVOImpl vo = getXxcusStudentDataEOVO1();

     XxcusStudentDataEOVORowImpl row = null ;

     RowSetIterator rowIter = vo.createRowSetIterator(“studentData”) ;

     String empNo = null;



        row = (XxcusStudentDataEOVORowImpl)rowIter.next(); ///FETCH

        System.out.println(“ID –>” + row.getId());

        System.out.println(“Sname–>”+ row.getSname());

        System.out.println(“SelectFlag–>”+ row.getselectFlag());

        String selectFlag = row.getselectFlag() ;

        if(selectFlag!=null && “Y”.equals(selectFlag))


           empNo = empNo + ” , ” + row.getId() ;

           row.remove();///   removes the data from VO





     throw new OAException(“Selected Rows Are Deleted Successfully–>”+ empNo , OAException.INFORMATION) ;


b.      Using filteredRows Method

  //The below logic should be written in the AMImpl.java

public void newDelteStudentRows()


      XxcusStudentDataEOVOImpl vo = getXxcusStudentDataEOVO1();

      XxcusStudentDataEOVORowImpl row = null ;

      Row[]  rows = vo.getFilteredRows(“selectFlag”,”Y”) ;

      String empNo = “”;

      for(int i=0; i<rows.length;i++)


          row = (XxcusStudentDataEOVORowImpl)rows[i];

           empNo = empNo + ” , ” + row.getId() ;






      throw new OAException(“Selected Rows Are Deleted Successfully–>”+ empNo , OAException.INFORMATION) ;




         throw new OAException(“Please Select The Rows TO Be Deleted”, OAException.ERROR) ;



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Category: OAF