Oracle Database Course – WHERE and ORDER BY Clause
--WHERE and ORDER BY clause Samples
select * from emp ;
--retrieve all the employees who belong to department 30
select *
from emp
where deptno = 30 ;
select *
from emp
where deptno = 10 ;
--Retrieve all the employees whose job is CLERK
select * from emp
where job ='CLERK' ;
select * from emp where hiredate='17-DEC-80';
--retrieve all the employees whose department is not equal to 10
select * from emp where deptno <> 10 ;
--retreive all the employees who does not have dept no
select * from emp where deptno is null ;
---BETWEEN--empno .....7000 and 7500
select * from emp
where empno between 7000 and 7499 ;
---retrieve all the employees whose dept belongs to either 10 or 20
select * from emp
where deptno in (10,20) ;
select * from emp
where deptno =10
or deptno=20 ;
select * from hz_parties ;
--Retrieve all the parties which are starting with letter A
select * from hz_parties where party_name like 'A%' ;
--Retrieve all the employees whose party_number starts with 100
select * from hz_parties where party_number like '100%' ;
--creation date like 97
select * from hz_parties where creation_date like '%FEB%97' ;
--ends with n
select * from hz_parties where party_name like '%n' ;
--retreieve all the party_name whose name start with A , followed by 4 characters
select * from hz_parties where party_name like 'A____' ;
--retrieve all the employees whose name start with A and third letter a and followed by any other letter
select * from hz_parties where party_name like 'A_a%' ;
--get all the employees who does not have commission
select * from emp where comm = null ; ******wrong
select * from emp where comm IS NULL;
---who are having commission
select * from emp where comm is not null ;
---whose name starts with A and job = SALESMAN
select * from emp
AND ename like '%'
select * from dual where 1=1 and dummy='X';
select * from dual where 1=0 ; --false condition
select * from dual where -1 = -1 ;
select * from dual where null = null ;
select * from dual where null is null ;
select * from hz_parties ;
--party type = ORGANIZATION and party_name starts with W
select * from hz_parties
where 1=1
and party_name like 'W%'
and party_type='ORGANIZATION'
select * from hz_parties
where 1=1
and (party_name like 'W%' OR party_type='ORGANIZATION' )
select * from hz_parties
where party_name not like 'A%' ;
select * from emp order by comm ; ---asc
select * from emp order by comm asc;
select * from emp order by comm desc;
select * from emp order by 1 ;
select * from emp order by empno asc ;
desc emp;
select * from emp order by 1 , 2 ;
select * from emp where sal=1250 order by sal, comm ;
select * from emp order by sal, comm ;
select * from emp order by sal, comm desc ;
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Category: Database