Oracle ICS Interview Questions/ Key Points – 1

Oracle ICS is one of the leader in Gartner IPaaS platform, its a browser based Integration Tool with many prebuilt adapters and evolving, it has majority of Oracle SOA/BPEL capabilities and it is the future SOA of Oracle. Below are few Interview Q&A which you may across, Provide your comments if you have any to be added 😉 – The list will get updated frequently, below are knowledge sharing content for the Oracle Developers 😉

Below are the Key Points( Interview Questions) wrt Oracle Integration Cloud Service

  1. Which are main iPaaS vendors in the market – Dell Boomi, MuleSoft, Oracle ICS
  2. Why Integrations are increasing these days – Clients are adopting to SaaS Services, which is increasing the integrations between multiple systems, for ex: Sales to Oracle Cloud ERP, SAP to Oracle Cloud ERP and many more…
  3. Integration Cloud Service (ICS) provides connection between SaaS and On
  4. ICS Provides Automatic Backup, Patch Updates and Upgrades
  5. ICS comes with rich set of adapters for many applications (SAP,SalesFoce, EBS, Oracle Cloud ERP) and many more
  6. ICS provides pre-built integrations from Marketplace(Free and Paid)
  7. ICS Integration Scenarios – SaaS to SaaS and SaaS to OnPremise
  8. ICS  is not only available as Cloud Solution, it has on Premise Solution which supports OnPremise to OnPremise Integration – (Please check this if you don’t believe :
  9. ICS uses a configuration approach instead of coding – designed to build for less code (no code)
  10. Intelligent AutoMapp tool designed using ML
  11. Oracle Cloud SaaS Customers will get their SaaS connections Created in ICS automatically – It is called AutoAssociate Feature
  12. Customizations and Extensions can be done by Using Oracle Cloud SDK (
  13. 30Day free trial is provided on
  14. ICS is an opt-in subscription for customers opting to Oracle SaaS Applications
  15. ICS uses many of the Oracle Cloud Services internally for Storage, Message and many other purposes, they are internal and don’t have any architectural details of it

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Category: ICS