What is the “Decision Table” in Business Rules in Process Cloud Service?

Q29: What is the “Decision Table” in Business Rules in Process Cloud Service?

A.a range value set in a spreadsheet-like format that defines a list of allowed value ranges for the input and output data objects of a decision

B.a decision matrix that organizes if/then rules into a spreadsheet-like format, where rows represent conditions and actions, and columns match condition values to action alternatives

C.an if/then rule that has one or more conditions (if statements) that together are true or false, and one or more actions (then statements) that are applied if the conditions are true

D.a value set in a spreadsheet-like format that defines a list of allowed values for the input and output data objects of a decision

Answer: B

https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/process-cloud/user/creating-decision-table-business-rules.html#GUID-26D3DF2A-D6D8-404F-834D-EE512E787630 A decision table organizes if/then rules into a spreadsheet-like format, in which rows represent conditions and actions, and columns match condition values to action alternatives.

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Category: 1Z0-434