Oracle Cloud ERP – Messages
Messages provide users with information about business or application errors or warnings.
Typically, messages inform the users about the following:
- Missing or incorrect data
- Status of an application, page, or a business object
- Status of an ongoing process
- Result of a user action
Besides notifying users about the problem, messages provide guidance to users on taking corrective action. Messages also warn users about the consequences of a certain action.
Oracle provides a set of predefined messages that are stored in a message dictionary. You can create additional messages or modify the existing ones using the Manage Messages task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Below are the table/query details to get a message text – Pass the message name and language to get the appropriate value
fa.application_short_name, fm.message_name, fm.message_text
fnd_new_messages fm,
fnd_application fa
1 = 1
AND fm.application_id = fa.application_id
AND language_code = 'US'
-- AND fa.application_short_name = p_app
-- AND message_name = 'FND_DOC_ASS_METHOD_INVALID'
Message Token Details
select * from fnd_message_tokens where message_name='FND_DOC_ASS_METHOD_INVALID'
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Category: OracleSaaS