Oracle Cloud ERP – Profile Options
Profile options are a set of preferences that you use to centrally manage the user interface settings and application behavior.
You can use the profile options to manage, for example:
- User preferences to specify language or currency.
- Configuration choices to change the user interface skin or appearance of fonts.
- Processing options to determine how much of an activity needs to be logged and at which level.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use any of the following tasks:
- Manage Profile Options
- Manage Profile Categories
- Manage Administrator Profile Values
The following table contains a functional description of each task.
Task Name | Function |
Manage Profile Options | Create new profile options or modify existing profile options, except some which are predefined and restricted to prevent any modifications. |
Manage Profile Categories | Group the profile options based on their functional similarities. |
Manage Administrator Profile Values | Set the profile values for the enabled profile options to control application behavior. |
Below are the table/query details to get the profile value — Pass the profile name and level to get the value accordingly
fnd_profile_option_values fpov,
fnd_profile_options_b fpob
1 = 1
AND fpob.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
-- AND fpov.level_value = 'SITE'
--AND fpob.profile_option_name = upper(p_profile_name)
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Category: OracleSaaS